

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Truths about Prayer - by James Tharp

  • No Christian is greater than his/her prayer life.
  • God does not pour out His Spirit on a prayerless heart; nor does He pour out His Spirit on a prayerless church.
  • If Satan can defeat a Christian in prayer, he can defeat that Christian in many areas of life.
  • Intercessory prayer for others is a deep mystery and the crowning glory of prayer.
  • None of us knows how to pray apart from the leadership and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 
  • The worshiper of Jesus Christ must be uplifted by the glorious fact that Jesus, our great high priest is praying for us while at the same time the Holy Spirit is praying through us.
  • “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.”
  • Jesus teaches us that getting alone in prayer -- “Go into your room and shut the door” -- assures us of our Heavenly Father’s presence.
  • Jesus also assures us of victory in prayer when “two (or more) of you agree” about the will of God.
  • Spirit-anointed prayer leads to the discovery of “The keys of the Kingdom” -- a Word-based promise, an inspired faith, and a bold persistence.
  • Men and women of prayer across the ages have learned the need to pray at four levels during their main prayer period of the day: adoration, introspection, petition, and intercession.
  • Delayed answers in prayer are not due to God’s reluctance. Often we learn that we are asking selfishly. Sometimes the devil is hindering the answer. At other times the Lord is testing our faith. He also knows when the answer will bear the best fruit and bring Him more glory.
  • The mysteries of prayer are unsearchable, invaluable, and immeasurable.
  • There is absolutely nothing about which we may not pray.
  • Apostles and ministers are commanded to “give themselves to the Word of God and prayer,” but all Christian believers are commanded to “pray continually” -- meaning let there be no lapse in your prayer ministry.
  • At the Judgment seat of Christ, where all believers will be graded for their rewards, it is believed that most of the tears shed will be due to the belated discovery of the disobedience, neglect, and ignorance concerning the power of prayer during their earthly pilgrimage. 
  • How much it would please our Heavenly Father if all of us would spend more time praying earnestly -- confessing, repenting, obeying, and practicing -- about our prayer life!

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